Influential Change

We search our planet, to find the people who will change it for the better

BCorp Scroll

Search with purpose

Committed to making every experience positive
+65 Client NPS
+68 Candidate NPS
Avg. Market NPS: +43

By using an independent third party, Radius Insights, to measure our NPS (Net Promotor Score), we know when we’re doing things right, and learn how to get better. Numbers don’t lie. It’s the data of continuous improvement.

Keep talking, keep learning with regular feedback

Our client and candidate feedback programmes mean we keep listening and learning, continuously improving how we work. With regular reviews, open dialogue and transparent measurement by NPS (Net Promoter Score), we stay accountable for our actions and commit to getting better, every day.

Because it’s not just what we do. It’s how we do it.

Net Promotor Score Explained

  • Ask customers how likely they would be, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is extremely likely, to recommend you to others.
  • Anyone who gives you a score of 9 or 10 is a ‘promoter’; 7 or 8 is a ‘passive’; 0 to 6 is a 'detractor'.
  • Calculate the percentage of customers that are promoters and detractors, then subtract the detractors from the promoters.
  • The result is your Net Promoter Score, and it could be anywhere from -100 to +100.

Candidate feedback

Alongside our client feedback programme, we talk regularly to candidates throughout the recruitment process, whether successful or not, to ensure that every individual has a supportive, inspiring and valued experience. After all, when you’re recruiting the world’s best talent, they need the best representation.

Search for change

We look forward. At what’s next, what’s valuable, what matters. Supporting leaders to shape their organisations for the challenges of today and the opportunities of tomorrow. To make a lasting difference. To influence meaningful change.



Seeking diverse talent amongst aligned markets

You don’t make a difference by staying the same. And you don’t find trailblazers without setting the trail on fire. Things have changed. New rules apply. We’re building a better way forward. We’re ready for a revolution within the executive search industry. Who’s with us?


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

All voices need to be heard

Positive energy, real cultural change and true business success driven by diversity, equality and inclusivity. By listening to new ideas, hearing new perspectives, making sure all voices are in the room. ED&I is at the heart of everything we do. Not because it ticks a box. Because it makes sense. Because it matters. Business, meet your new benchmark.

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